Our Focus

Discovering Godly Identity & Purpose

We first schedule an initial online contact session where we get to know each other and determine the background, needs and expectations of you as a person. We then plan follow-up sessions where we trust the Lord to lead us in prophetic insight and reveal to us what He says about you and your career or business and what His purposed plan was for your life from before the foundation of the earth.

Prophetic Mentoring & Coaching

Here we provide guidance and growth to unlock and develop the gifts of the Holy Spirit within you and become the best version of what God created you to be. This involves fivefold Kingdom equipping and helping you discover and grow in your Kingdom mandate and purpose. This also involves deliverance from a limited mindset and adopting a Kingdom mindset towards business and careers.

Prophetic mapping and flow diagrams

Here we work on future strategies for your business or career.
After hours spent together and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we start putting the puzzle pieces together and start connecting the dots and creating flow diagrams forming a prophetic roadmap for the future.

We also help business owners implement a Kingdom Business Plan that ensures the company makes a kingdom impact by influencing change within the community it serves, the people it touches, and the industry it is involved in – while bringing transformation to the land.

Specialized Skills Development

Together with our technology partner CloudTrain Academy we provide access to internationally recognised corporate training and skills development in all areas of organization.

Our most popular courses:

  • Leadership Development Coaching
  • Future Trends Change Management
  • Competitor Analysis Customer Service
  • Commercial Awareness/Business Acumen Sales
  • Negotiation and Persuasion Train the Trainer
  • Exceptional Presentation Skills Perseverance and motivation
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communications
  • Branding and Marketing
  • Digital Marketing Time Management
  • Emotional Intelligence Team Building
  • Cultural Intelligence Conflict Resolution
  • DISC Behavioral Styles Behavioral Interviewing
  • Microsoft Office Digital Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimisation Cyber Security

Information and Communications Technology:

  • App Maker IT Technician
  • Cloud Expert Network Engineer
  • Cyber Security Analyst Security Engineer
    • Database Administration Software Development

Our Audience:

We provide Prophetic Mentoring to:

  • Business Leaders
  • Employees
  • Upcoming Startups and Businesses
  • Students

Get in touch with us for more information and to make a booking request for a one-on-one or workshop session.

Please fill in the form below, and we will get back to you as soon as we can, 

alternatively please feel free to give us a call.